![Loreena McKennitt [click for larger image]](sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/loreenamckennitt2.jpg.w180h188.jpg)
Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu's words are a good introduction to the third album in a trilogy of musical travel documents
which began with The Visit. Recorded at Peter Gabriel's Real World studios in England, The Book of Secrets was
written and researched all over the world. The album features a cast of over two dozen musical collaborators, and the eight
songs contained therein leads the listener on unexpected journeys. Follow the music from ancient Byzantium to a puppet-maker's
theatre in Sicily, or from the rocky island of Skellig Michael once inhabited by Irish monks in the Dark Ages to Venice and
the journeys of Marco Polo, or from the tragic narrative of "The Highwayman" to the thunder of hooves across the Caucasus
and the echoes of Dante's words found, unexpectedly, in a train journey across Siberia.

prologue [4.22]
the mummers' dance [6:07]
skellig [6:07]
marco polo [5:15]
the highwayman [10:19]
la serenissima [5:09]
night ride across the caucasus [8:30]
dante's prayer [7.11]